PHP for MapLarge SDK

//DEFAULT CREDENTIALS $server = ""; $user = ""; $pass = "pw123456"; $token = 921129417; //CREATE MAPLARGE CONNECTION WITH USER / PASSWORD $mlconnPassword = MapLargeConnector::CreateFromPassword($server, $user, $pass); //CREATE MAPLARGE CONNECTION WITH USER / AUTH TOKEN $mlconnToken = MapLargeConnector::CreateFromToken($server, $user, $token); //CREATE TABLE SYNCHRONOUS (NO WEB CALL) $paramlist = array( 'account' => 'aidsvualpha', 'tablename' => 'testPHPSDKTable', 'fileurl' => '' ); MapLargeConnector::$NO_WEB_CALLS = true; $response = $mlconnPassword->InvokeAPIRequest("CreateTableSynchronous", $paramlist); echo $response . PHP_EOL; MapLargeConnector::$NO_WEB_CALLS = false; //RETRIEVE REMOTE USER AUTH TOKEN $response = $mlconnPassword->GetRemoteAuthToken($user, $pass, ""); echo $response . PHP_EOL; //LIST GROUPS $paramlist = array( 'account' => 'test', ); $response = $mlconnToken->InvokeAPIRequestPost("ListGroups", $paramlist); echo $response . PHP_EOL; //CREATE TABLE WITH FILES SYNCHRONOUS $paramlist = array( 'account' => 'test', 'tablename' => 'PostedTableImportPHP', ); $response = $mlconnToken->InvokeAPIRequestPostWithFiles("CreateTableWithFilesSynchronous", $paramlist, array("N:\\MergedPhoenix.csv")); echo $response . PHP_EOL; echo 'DONE' . PHP_EOL;